Connected Home Setup
Take the Guesswork out of Your Connected Home Setup with Pace Heating & Plumbing. We’re working to make it as easy as possible to keep your home comfortable, using the latest Smart Home products, systems and services.
A Pace Heating & Plumbing Powerflush will improve your central heating system, help you use less energy, lower energy bills and keep you warm at home.
A Pace Heating & Plumbing Powerflush will improve your central heating system, help you use less energy, lower energy bills and keep you warm at home.
How does warm air heating work?
The air is pulled into the home from a vent to the outside. This air is heated over a gas fuelled flame, which is then circulated around the property via a system of ducts. This type of heating is particularly effective in well insulated properties, and in single storey properties like flats and bungalows, but can also be found in larger homes and in commercial properties.
Heating air directly with a flame is very efficient and will rival a gas boiler in terms of efficiency, whilst ducting the air around the home is also very effective, and can heat a room very quickly, as well as help prevent damp and condensation build up around the home.
At Pace, we make home heating solutions easy. Book your FREE in-home consultation today to learn more.
A Powerflush helps deal with heating problems that you can’t always see.
Sludge, rust and limescale causes leaks and blocked pipes. Dirty water in your pipes causes heating problems and reduces efficiency.
Sludge build-up causes cold spots in your radiators. This means they have to work harder to heat a room and you waste more energy.
A clogged boiler and pump causes breakdowns. 87% of boiler breakdowns are due to dirty water in your heating system.
If you carry out regular servicing and maintenance (professional servicing is recommended annually) then a preventative Powerflush should only be necessary every 5-6 years to clear debris and prevent significant blockages from taking hold.
However, this will vary depending on the system you have. For example, some boilers use copper heat exchangers rather than stainless steel which will corrode quicker.
IMPORTANT: If you are planning to replace your boiler it’s important that the engineer performs a Powerflush before the installation. Otherwise, you risk contaminating the new boiler with damaging sludge and debris that’s hanging around in the old pipework.
There are signs to look out for that suggest that all is not well in your central heating system.
If any of these problems sound familiar to you, it’s time to contact a professional engineer. While a Powerflush may be all that is required to get your heating back on track, unfortunately it’s not always that simple. A system may be so damaged that it is actually cheaper to replace rather than repair. If that’s the case, you’ll need to consult with at least two professionals to make sure you’re getting the right solution at the best price. Use our service to get free quotes from up to 3 trusted engineers in your area.
A Powerflush helps prolong the life of your system, lower your bills and reduce the risk of breakdowns.
A Powerflush helps prolong the life of your system, lower your bills and reduce the risk of breakdowns.
Benefits of a powerflush
It’s not all doom and gloom; there are lots of positive reasons to get a Powerflush carried out too.
Is a powerflush always the solution?
In some particularly severe cases you may find that it’s actually more cost effective to replace the system than carry out a Powerflush. A Powerflush will not fix broken parts. If a blockage has caused a part to break that will add time and cost to the job to get the system back to optimum performance. A professional will be able to advise you if this is the case.
At Boiler Guide we recommend sourcing and comparing multiple quotes to find the best quote for you.
If you have any questions about heating your home or are looking to upgrade your boiler, Call Pace Heating & Plumbing 0207-183-2727 today to schedule time with one of our Home Advisors. The advisor will assess your home and discuss your needs to find the right solution for you and your family.
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Take the Guesswork out of Your Connected Home Setup with Pace Heating & Plumbing. We’re working to make it as easy as possible to keep your home comfortable, using the latest Smart Home products, systems and services.
We’re Pace Heating & Plumbing If you’re looking for boiler engineers in your area, then you’ve come to the right place. All our engineers are trusted & accredited Gas Safe registered professionals. We only higher the best. Get in touch today!